Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar and it is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and increased devotion to worship. Here are some steps to help you prepare for Ramadan:
- Set your intention: Before Ramadan starts, set your intention to make the most of this month and to get closer to Allah. Make a commitment to improve yourself spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
- Start fasting: Start fasting a few days before Ramadan so that your body can adjust to the changes. This will also help you identify any health issues that might prevent you from fasting during the month.
- Create a plan: Create a plan for how you will spend your time during Ramadan. Decide how much time you will devote to worship, reading the Quran, and other spiritual activities. Make a schedule that works for you and stick to it.
- Prepare your meals: Plan your meals ahead of time so that you don't have to worry about cooking during the day. Make sure you have healthy and nutritious meals that will provide you with the energy you need to fast.
- Cleanse your heart: Use this month as an opportunity to purify your heart from negative feelings such as anger, jealousy, and envy. Forgive those who have wronged you and seek forgiveness from those you have wronged.
- Give to charity: Use this month as an opportunity to give to charity. Donate money, food, or your time to those in need. This will help you develop compassion and empathy for others.
- Reflect on your life: Take time to reflect on your life and your relationship with Allah. Think about your goals and how you can improve yourself in all areas of your life.
Remember that Ramadan is a time of self-reflection, discipline, and devotion to Allah. By preparing yourself physically and spiritually, you can make the most of this holy month and improve yourself in many ways
“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” [1]
Allah SWT mentioned in this verse that He Has created all mankind and Jinn, to Worship Him, and to obey Him. Allah SWT sent down Quran as a guideline to spend our lives in this world. Whenever we read Quran, it seems that Allah SWT Himself is directly talking to us. But what if we fall into some kind of trouble, and want to contact Allah SWT ourselves? How would we be able to do that?
Through Dua!
Dua is a weapon for Muslims. It is our way of contacting Allah SWT and asking for His mercy, help, blessings and forgiveness. It is a form of ibadah, as mentioned in a hadith in SunanAbiDawood. And it is Allah’s blessing for us that He not only hears our duas and supplications, but responds to them as well.
“And when My servants ask you, concerning Me- indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me” [2]
Considering dua as worship, and believing it will bring help, mercy, and forgiveness, is a form of support, comfort, and encouragement that every Muslim needs. It soothes and eases your mind when you realize that you are not alone. Allah SWT is always there for. Your dua would be heard, and responded to. Not even a single dua would be left un-responded. According to a hadith, dua is answered in one of the three ways.
1. By being given the thing that one asked for
2. By being stored for the akhira, where it would be returned many times fold
3. By being atoned for the wrong actions by your dua
Several ahadith tell us the times during which a dua is never rejected. Some of them are:
1. The time between Azan and Iqamah
2. One unidentified moment on Friday. That is why it is recommended to make lots of dua on Friday.
3. The dua of the traveller, of a person who has been wronged, and of a father for his child is not rejected, according to a hadith in IbnMajah
4. Dua made while drinking Zamzam
5. Dua made while it’s raining
6. Dua made on the day of Arafah
7. Dua made at the time of Sahoor
8. Dua made while prostrating
9. Dua made at the time of Tahajjud (optional prayer at night)
10. Dua made after the recitation of Quran
One way to ensure that our duas would be heard and responded to promptly, is to ensureusing the duas mentioned in Quran and ahadith that our Prophet (SAW) taught us, while making dua. What better way to present our problems in words that our Prophet (SAW) and prophets before him used, and Allah SWT responded to their duas!
It is only wise to make your dua in a way that Allah SWT wishes us to. The most important aspect of making dua is to ask from Allah SWT Alone. Do not make dua to any person, any prophet at all. Make dua with sincere intention and with good faith, believing that it would be heard, and responded to. Before making dua, remember to glorify and praise Allah SWT, and recite Darood before and after making the dua. Ask for forgiveness for your sins before asking anything else. Thanking for all the blessings of Allah SWT also helps in increasing the blessings of Allah SWT as mentioned in a hadith. Allah SWT Knows all your worries, all your problems, but He likes us to ask from Him, to make dua to Him.
A good way to present all your worries to Allah SWT is to try to memorize all duas mentioned in Quran and hadith, and make dua in the words of prophets. To memorize all Quranic supplications, it is better to seek help of a Quran teacher. Online Quran teacher can help you in memorizing the Quran as much as you wish, and the duas mentioned in Quran. Online Quran teacher can not only help you in memorizing Quran, but also help you in understanding the Quran. Online Arabic teacher can assist you in learning Arabic language so you can understand Quran better. Online Quran lessons are one easy way in coming closer to Allah SWT, without much hassle. These online Quran lessons not only help you correct your tajweed (the proper way of reciting Quran), but also help in making reading Quran daily a habit for you. You can choose to have private Quran tutor for yourself, or get yourself enrolled in an online Quran class. Getting your whole family enrolled for a family class is a more economical way to learn Quran online. Whether you are just starting and would like to enroll in Quran reading lessons, or are looking to improve your tajweed, and Quran reading skills, you have a variety of classes to choose from, and that is what makes online Quran lessons more appealing than traditional means of learning Quran.
Online Quran lessons are a better choice because they allow you to study Quran in your own home, at your own pace, and help you in saving time and effort. The time spent in commuting, the money spent in fuel consumption, in the case of traditional Quran learning class at your area’s mosque or Islamic center, is all saved if you choose Online Quran classes.
[1] Chapter 51, Ad-Dhariyat: Verse 57
[2] Chapter 2, Al-Baqarah: Verse 186
Learning to read Quran correctly, and to try to understand it completely is a task that no Muslim should ever neglect. Quran is not just a book containing instructions, and old stories. It is a book of wisdom. It teaches us lessons that cannot be learnt on our own. And the lessons that it holds are as true today, as they were 1400 years ago.
Fortunately, Learning and understanding Quran has become a relatively easy task today. Online Quran lessons and online Quran tutors can assist us in achieving the best of dunya and aakhira for us. Whether you opt for Quran reading lessons, or online Arabic classes, they help you go one step nearer to your goal; Understanding the word of Allah SWT to make the best of both the worlds. You can hire a private Quran teacher, or take up online Quran classes according to your preference and needs. The most important thing is to stay connected with the Book of Allah SWT, and online Quran lessons is just one of the many ways to do so.
Each verse of Quran holds meanings and lessons for us. So does the story of DhulQarnain, which is mentioned in Chapter 18: Surah Al-Kahf. Al-Kahaf was revealed when the Non-believers of Makkah, with the help of Jew scholars presented some questions to the Prophet SAW as a test. The People of the Book (Jews/Christians) knew DhulQarnain as a person who had travelled extensively all around the world. Allah SWT sent down the surah with detailed answers.
DhulQarnain had great power and knowledge. He travelled all across the globe, fought and conquered many lands, and established the name of Allah SWT where ever he went. According to some tafseers, he was given the name of DhulQarnain (two horns) because he had travelled far to the East and far to the West. He was a righteous, kind person, but was strict in punishing the wrongdoers. Despite the power he had, he still was a just ruler. He was humble and he knew that all the powers that he had, were blessings of Allah SWT.
First he travelled to the furthest point towards West. He established his rule there on the principles of kindness, and justice.Then, he started his journey towards the East. Whichever nations he met on his way, he would first present them the message of Allah SWT. If they accepted it, he continued without war, but if they didn’t, he fought till he established Allah’s message. He came across different people and nations during his journey. He met many strange and weird people during his journey. When he reached the furthest point in East, he came across a nation that had no shelter against sun. According to the Tafseer Ibn Katheer, it meant that they had no buildings or trees. They went down in tunnels till the sun lowered down a bit, and would then come out to carry on with the business of life.
Next, he took up a different direction. He reached a nation, which was so isolated that they could barely understand his language. They told him that Yajooj Majooj (another nation) were always troubling them, and sought his help in keeping Yajooj Majooj away from their land. They offered to pay him for his help.
Dhul Qarnain agreed to help them, but without any compensation, and he told them that Allah SWT had blessed him with much better than their offered pay. He asked for work force to assist him, and building materials. He asked for large Iron blocks, which he used to build a wall between two mountains to block Yajooj Majooj from entering their land.He then asked them to melt copper in a large quantity. Then he poured the molten copper over the iron block wall, to make it stronger. The stronger the wall, the safer they would be.
The host nation was extremely happy as now they were safe from Yajooj Majooj. Dhul Qarnain told them that it was a mercy from Allah SWT that their enemy wouldn’t be able to scale the wall or break it, and the wall would only protect them till Allah SWT willed. According to several hadiths, Yajooj Majooj would be able to break this wall as the Day of Judgement nears. They would then spread all across the world and would then cause mischief and trouble where ever they would go. According to a hadith in Sahih Muslim, and Sahih Bukhari, Yajooj Majooj would make up a large chunk of the denizens of hell.
The story of Dhul Qarnain shows us several qualities that a ruler should have.
1. Fear of Allah
2. Humbleness; to remember that whatever powers, favors, and qualities you have, are blessings of Allah SWT indeed.
3. Justice; being kind to the victims, and strict in punishing the wrongdoers.
4. Being helpful
5. Dawah; Spreading the word of Allah SWT in whatever capacity you can. Your actions, your words, and even your personality can help in the cause of Dawah.
We should remember that these qualities are not limited to the rulers of the land.
It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar that the Prophet (SAW) said:
Beware. Every one of you is a shepherd and every one is answerable with regard to his flock. The Caliph is a shepherd over the people and shall be questioned about his subjects (as to how he conducted their affairs). A man is a guardian over the members of his family and shal be questioned about them (as to how he looked after their physical and moral well-being). A woman is a guardian over the household of her husband and his children and shall be questioned about them (as to how she managed the household and brought up the children). A slave is a guardian over the property of his master and shall be questioned about it (as to how he safeguarded his trust). Beware, every one of you is a guardian and every one of you shall be questioned with regard to his trust.
[1] Narrated by Sahih Muslim, hadith 1829
Quran, the book of wisdom, is full of examples, parables, and stories of past nations for explanatory purposes, and for teaching us how to live according to Allah’s commands. The language used in Quran, has layers of meanings and lessons for us to understand, learn, and implement in our daily lives, if we indeed are seeking Allah’s Pleasure.
The story of two gardens is mentioned in chapter 18: Al Kahf, verses 32-43.
Once there were two men. Each of them owned a garden. Both gardens were bordered with palm trees, and a river ran across them. The gardens were not only a sight of beauty, but brought abundance of fruit as well.
Although the gardens looked almost the same, yet both owners had a very different nature from each other. One was a God fearing, humble person, while they other was an arrogant, proud person.
As they both were in the garden one day, talking to each other, the proud man said to his friend.
“I have more wealth than you. I have more slaves than you. (The number of slaves one had, was a status symbol at that time) I don’t think my fortune would ever end. I think that there would be no Day of Judgement.(This sounds so familiar at the present times, when most of us are spending their lives according to the YOLO theology; enjoying the life, without thinking of preparing for the Day of Judgement) And if it really were to come, I am sure that because of my status in this world, I would be given a similar status in the other world, too.”
The God fearing man was astonished at his words.
“Have you forgotten Allah SWT, your Creator?” he asked, “The Only One who created you from dust, and a sperm drop, and made you into a human being! (You might have forgotten Him) but I would never forget Him being my Creator and my Lord! When you entered your garden and saw all the Blessings of Allah SWT that He has bestowed on you, you should have thanked Allah SWT for His Blessings by saying: Masha Allah La QuwwataillaBillah
Which means: 'What Allah willed [has occurred]; there is no power except in Allah!”
“It is true that I have less wealth than you, and I have fewer children than you (The number of children, particularly sons was a symbol of status, too) But I have faith in Allah SWT. It may be that Allah SWT can replace my garden with a much better garden than yours. Or your garden can be struck with some calamity and is reduced to dust; Anything is possible for Allah SWT and we all should believe in His power.”
But the proud man paid no heed. Allah SWT did send His wrath on the garden and when he entered his garden, there was nothing left. The trellises had all collapsed, ruining all the fruit. He lost all his money that he had invested on his garden. At that moment, he realized that this calamity had only struck him because of his attitude, because of his defiance towards Allah SWT. He regretted over his attitude, but there was nothing he could do about it then.
What does this story teach us? Several lessons!
1. We should always remember that our Creator and Lord is Allah SWT alone. This makes us humble in a sense because we realize that we are nothing on our own, but makes us strong, too. Because we realize that we don’t have to look towards other people like us for fulfilling our needs. Allah SWT alone is sufficient to provide for us.
2. We need to use this life to prepare for our Hereafter, not just waste it in enjoying wordly affairs.
3. Our wealth, status, children none would be able to save us on the day of Judgement from hell fire, but only our good deeds.
4. We should try to understand, and follow if there is a need, when given some useful advice, or guidance. Being heedless only hurts ourselves.
5. Saying Masha Allah la Quwwataillabillahwhen we see our blessings is a way to accept Allah’s SWT Supremacy and a way to safeguard from evil eye.
6. When struck by a calamity, always try to judge if it is a test of your patience, or a warning for any sins you might have committed. If you think you have sinned, sincere repentance is the answer to your problems.
Just s few verses and so many lessons to learn! Actually, these are just a few lessons. Quran is a book that teaches you something new every time you go through it. That is why you never get tired of reading Quran again and again. To make most out of it, we should consider befriending it. And what better way to befriend it than to learn it completely with a teacher.
Online Quran teacher is a good choice to help you learn Quran in a better way. Online Quran teacher help you learn to read Quran in the correct manner by following all rules of Tajweed. Online Quran teacher can assist you in memorizing Quran, too. They have the proper qualification, and proper training to teach Quran online with the required diligence. They know how to teach a student who is taking a private lesson, as well as a student who has opted for a group class; whether it is a class with other fellow students, or a class with his family. A class with online Quran teachers can be accommodated in your busy schedule according to your wishes. This is indeed a great ease and blessing. And Islam truly is a religion of ease.
Posted by
Admin on
3/9/2018 6:52 PM |
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Islam is not just a religion, but is an entire life system. It provides us with complete instructions on how to spend our lives in the best possible manner, so that it brings success for us in this world and in the hereafter, too.
Like all previous religion, Islam laid great stress on the rights of parents, but Islam took it to the next level. It has been mentioned in Quran:
“And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.
And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small." [1]
These verses show that we need to be so gentle, so caring and so polite that we cannot even utter words of displeasure in the presence of our parents. We have to obey our parents at all times, except when their order clashes with the commands of Allah SWT; only then we are allowed to disobey them. It has been stressed to be considerate to your parents, even if they are non-Muslims. At various other points in Quran, it has been commanded to be kind to our parents and to show respect to them. Several hadith also show the true place of our parents in our lives, and to behave gently and kindly towards them. One hadith of Sahih Bukhari shows that the status of mother is three times more than father. [2] It is because the mother faces physical, mental, and emotional stress during pregnancy, childbirth and in raising kids.
Here are some of the points we need to keep in mind if we really wish to follow the true commandments of Islam:
Things you need to do when your parents are alive:
1. Obeying your parents at all times except when they are forcing you to go against the teachings of Islam.
2. Being polite and respectful to your parents at all times. We have been forbidden to show our displeasure rudely in the presence of our parents.
3. Being kind and gentle towards your parents; especially when they grow old.
4. Taking good care of them; especially when they are too old to take care of themselves.
5. Taking care of all their needs like food, clothes and health.
6. Spending time with them so that they do not feel lonely
Things you need to do when your parents are not alive:
1. Offering their janazah prayer
2. Making dua for their maghfirah(forgiveness)
3. Fulfilling all the promises your parents had made in their life time
4. Maintaining the ties of kinship because of your parents
5. Respecting and taking care of your parents’ friends, even after your parents’ death
6. Completing the fasts that your parents had missed
7. Spending money for sadaqah in your parents’ name
8. Building a mosque, a water well, or something similar as sadaqah jaria in your parents’ name
9. Paying off their debts
The importance of doing good to your parents can be seen by the fact that many times it has been mentioned to do good to your parents just after the command of establishing prayers in Quran. This shows that it is as essential to do good to your parents as it is to establish your prayers, or establishing Salah. This also shows that we really need to know Quran inside out to understand what Allah SWT wishes us to do. Taking Online Quran classes is just one of the many ways you can choose to understand Quran. By choosing online Quran classes, you can, not only learn to read Quran properly, with correct tajweed rules, you can also learn to understand Quran. Most online Quran institutes offer learn Arabic classes, too. If you opt to learn Arabic online, through a well reputed online Quran institute, doors of wisdom would be flung open to you. By learning Quran online, and by learning Arabic online, you can understand the orders that had been sent for the entire mankind, more than 1400 years ago. Only by understanding Quran, we can make our life a purposeful one. It is essential for the betterment of both worlds.
Online Quran teacher have an edge above the traditional Quran teachers. Online Quran teacher are not only well qualified and well trained, they are well experienced, too. Online Quran teacher know how to deal with each student, individually, or in a class. Online Quran classes offer you choices, too. You can take private Quran lessons with a private Quran teacher, if you prefer, or get yourself enrolled in a class. You can also take up a family class; that is more convenient and more economical in some cases. Online Quran classes also help us to save time, effort and money.The time you would have spent in commuting, in case of traditional classes, is saved. You can fit in your online Quran classes in your busy schedule according to your preference. So, if you are a stay at home mother of a small child, or a busy executive, online Quran classes can be an easy answer for the betterment of your both worlds.
[1] Chapter Bani Israel 17: Verse 23-24
[2] Narrated by Sahih Bukhari: Hadith 5971
Posted by
Admin on
2/22/2018 6:04 AM |
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Quran, the book of Allah, holds wonders. It never fails to amaze and impress. Muslims as well as non-Muslims are equally struck by its awe.
There is a story that needs to be told when wonders of Quran become your topic.Do you know there is a term called Bucailleism? It is used to describe a movement that relates modern science with religion in general, but Islam in particular. It tries to find links between Quran and Sciences, reinforcing the fact that Quran is the Book of Allah SWT, and Islam is the true religion of AllahSWT.
This movement has been named after Dr. Maurice Bucaille. He was French by origin, and was a doctor by profession. He had specialized in gastroenterology. He was member of the French Society of Egyptology. He was a Roman Catholic.It was well known that he often criticized Islam and Quran. As Allah SWT had decreed, he was appointed as the family physician to the King Faisal of Saudi Arabia.
One day as he was chatting with King Faisal, he criticized on Quran as usual. King Faisal smiled, and asked him gently if he had read, or gone through Quran. The doctor said that he had read several different translations of Quran, and had found them to be more or less the same. King Faisal gave him his legendry reply:
“Then you have not read Quran at all.”
King Faisal explained that in order to know what Quran has to say, you have to read it in the language it was sent in; ARABIC! And not just the Quranic Arabic, but the entire Classical Arabic, so that you can completely know the context of any given Ayah.
The doctor took up the challenge, and started learning Arabic. It took him almost two years. By the end he was finished, he had accepted Islam, and given shahadah that Quran truly was a divine book. He authored several books in French that related various Quranic verses with latest scientific research.
This is just one of the stories that are spread all around us. What does this story teach us? It shows that we can only get the real message of Allah if we learn the language of Quran,that is Arabic. If Non-Muslims can be so inspired, so driven to learn Arabic, what would be our excuse as Muslims for neglecting this enormous responsibility on the Day of Judgment? No translation can match the essence that Quran holds for us. Why? Because it brings a third person between Allah SWT and us!Quran directly talks to us. It conveys us the true message of Allah SWT. But we really need to know the language to decipher the message.
Alhumdulillah, learning Arabic has been made easy with the advancement of technology. Books, apps, schools, mosques, Islamic centres, teachers! You can choose any medium. There is one easier method, too. Learning Quran online, and learning Arabic online! Today, several online institutes are available that teach Quran online. They also teach Arabic online, so that you can master the language of Quran while sitting comfortably in your homes. Online Quran teachers help you achieve your goals. They may look like worldly goals, but in truth, they are goals for your Akhirah. How can you be successful in Aakhira if you do not completely understand what Allah SWT Has directly sent for you? How can you be successful in Aakhirah if you do not understand entirely what our Prophet SAW has left for us in the form of Hadith, and Sunnah? So, Online Quran teachers can help us in trying to achieve success in the hereafter, and betterment of this world, too. You might ask how the betterment of this world is related to learning Arabic? Because when we learn Arabic online, or by traditional means, we get to understand the complete message of Allah SWT, in the form of Quran, and Hadith. It shows us the proper way to spend our lives in this world. By following that particular way, we can ensure that life goes smoothly in this world as well as in the hereafter for us, too, in sha Allah.
Online Quran teacher have a few qualities that not all traditional Quran teachers can boast of. They are well qualified. They have been well trained. They are well experienced. Online Quran teacher know how to give proper attention to each student, if the students have enrolled in a group class, or family class. Online Quran teacher also know how to teach each student individually, should the student prefer to have private sessions. Online Quran teacher not only help in teaching students how to read Quran with proper Tajweed, they also help in memorizing Quran. Last, but not the least, they can teach you Arabic, the language of Quran, so that you can know for yourself what message Quran holds for you. On a single glance you may take Quran to be a set of instructions, and stories of old nations. But in actuality, it is actually Allah SWT directly conversing with you. It holds the solution of your every problem. So, let’s not delay it any further, and start learning Arabic. For this world, and hereafter!
Posted by
Admin on
12/15/2017 6:48 AM |
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We all know that fasting in Ramadan is obligatory for us as Muslims. It has been said in Quran:
"O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous" [1]
This shows that fasting had been made obligatory for the previous nations, too. This command that made fasting in Ramadan obligatory for Muslims, came in the month of Shaban, 2nd Hijri (2nd year after Hijrah). The Arabic word "Saum" means to refrain from food, drink, and sexual activity from morning till evening with the intention of pleasing Allah SWT alone.
Although fasting was not new, but fasting as an obligatory ibadah was definitely a new idea for the Arabs, so it was introduced in stages, as we can clearly see that in Quran.
"[Fasting for] a limited number of days. So whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] - then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] - a ransom [as substitute] of feeding a poor person [each day]. And whoever volunteers excess - it is better for him. But to fast is best for you, if you only knew." [2]
Narrated Nafi:
Ibn Umar recited the verse: "They had a choice either to fast or to feed a poor person for every day," and said that the order of this Verse was canceled (later). [3]
As we can see here that at first, fasting was suggested as a means to become better Muslims; it was left as a personal choice. And whoever did not wish to fast, had to feed a poor person each day for every missed fast. Later on, this order was cancelled, and fasting was made obligatory.
The history of fasting made an obligatory ibadah can be understood with the help of Quran and hadith. How else would we know it? This shows the importance of not only reading Quran, but understanding it completely, too. Without understanding the Quran, we would not be able to practice Islam in the way that Allah SWT Wishes us all to.
Taking Quran lessons online is a good way to ensure learning to understand Quran. By taking Quran lessons online, we can not only save our time, energy, and resources, we can also be certain of having availed the services of an experienced, well qualified, and well trained online Quran teacher. Online Quran teacher can make our Quran reading lessons easy and fruitful. Online Quran teacher can not only help us learn and improve our Quran reading capabilities, but can also help us understand the word of Allah SWT by teaching us the language of Quran; Arabic.
The relationship of Quran with fasting is really strong. Quran was first revealed in Ramadan, the month of obligatory fasting. It is always a good idea to read, repeat and try to understand Quran a bit more in Ramadan. According to several hadith, our Prophet (SAW) used to revise Quran with Jibraeel every Ramadan. We can try to follow this sunnah by taking Quran lessons online with the help of online Quran teacher if we don't have a mosque, or Islamic centre near us. Taraweeh can become a much more enjoyable experience when you understand each word of what the imam is reciting.
Fasting has several benefits. It teaches us to be more patient and helps us to attain more self control. By refraining from all halal things for a certain time, we try to train ourselves to follow Allah's commands, no matter how difficult they seem to us. We become more understanding of Allah's decisions for us, because we realise that whatever Allah SWT is doing, is for the best for us. Fasting helps us to be more God fearing, because nobody is watching us all the time. We could easily eat or drink without anyone noticing us. But, we don't, because it is for Allah SWT Alone, that we are fasting. Fasting also helps us to be more kind towards others and to be more aware of the problems others are facing. When we experience hunger and thirst, we realise the difficulties of a major population of the world that has to go without food or water for several days. It also helps us to become more grateful for Allah SWT for bestowing us with so many of His blessings without our asking. We realise that Allah SWT has given us so much, without our deserving that. Fasting helps us get into the ideal daily routine; waking up at dawn, and sleeping early at night. It has several health benefits, too. Fasting is a great way to cleanse our body, particularly our stomach, and intestines. It is one way to shed some extra pounds, too. Several fasting diets have become popular over the years.
Fasting and Quran go hand in hand. Reciting Quran in Ramadan brings much more reward. So let's seek the help of an online Quran teacher to assist us in achieving more rewards.
[1] Chapter Al Baqarah 2: Verse 183
[2] Chapter Al Baqarah 2: Verse184
[3] Narrated by Sahih al-Bukhari , hadith 1949
Posted by
Admin on
11/27/2017 6:32 PM |
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Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrated that:
The Prophet (SAW)said: "The best day that the sun has risen upon is Friday. On it Adam was created, on it he entered Paradise, and on it, he was expelled from it. And the Hour will not be established except on Friday." [1]
According to several hadith, reading Surah Kahaf on Friday is highly recommended. One hadith says that if a person reads Surah Kahah on Friday, a Noor (Light) would shine for him during two Fridays(i.e. all week long).
Why has Surah Kahaf been so commended to be recited on Friday? Because Surah Kahaf has several lessons, in form of stories, that we need to go through often and to take heed from. It is a reminder that we need to give ourselves every now and then, to become good Muslims and good Human beings.
The tests that have been mentioned in Surah Kahaf are:
1. Test of Faith:
The story of the People of the Cave shows the test of faith. According to this story, a group of young men accepted the true message of Allah SWT, when everyone around them denied the truth. They felt that if they stayed in their city any longer, either they would be made to denounce their faith, or religion; or would be made to suffer and would be killed ultimately. They were strong in their faith and feared for their life. This made them decide to leave the city and take refuge in a cave. The young men had a dog, too. Allah made them go into a deep slumber that lasted 309 years. When they woke up, they sent one of them in the city to get food for them, not knowing that they had slept for so long. When people came to know of their existence(That they had been sleeping for several hundred years) they took them as a sign of Allah's greatness, and started thinking of making a structure, or a mosque over the cave where they had slept for so long. The story shows the test of faith of the young men, where they passed with flying colours.
2. Test of Wealth:
This story is about two men who own a garden each. One man is quite rich and has a beautiful garden having everything that one can imagine. The other is quite poor and has a garden that does not give much produce. The rich owner is proud and thinks that he deserves everything, is proud, and doesn't take it as blessing from Allah. The poor owner tries to tell him to be humble, and grateful, but the other doesn't pay any attention. In the morning, when the rich man returns to his garden, Allah's wrath has ruined his garden , and he is left with nothing. This shows the test of wealth for the rich owner where he fails miserably.
3. Test of Knowledge:
This story is about Prophet Must (AS) and Khidr. Once when Musa (AS) took himself as the most knowledgeable person. But Allah SWT sent him to Khidr. They travelled together for sometime; Several occurrences showed Musa (AS) that Khidr had much more knowledge than him. This was just to show that there is no limit to knowledge. For every person, there's someone better than him, and that the source of all knowledge is Allah SWT Himself.
4. Test of Power:
This is the story of Dhulqarnain and Yajooj Majooj. Yajooj Majooj thought themselves to be invincible and created chaos everywhere they went. DhulQarnain built a wall of iron between Yajooj Majooj and the rest of the world, to protect others from their evil. This was a test of power, and DhulQarnain chose to be just, and helped others utilising his power.
Ayah 50 of Surah Kahaf shows that all these trials initiate when Shaytaan wants us to deviate from the straight path that leads to Allah SWT. How can we come out with flying colours, should we encounter any of these trials? There are many tools that have been mentioned in Surah Kahaf.
1. Be righteous and strong in your faith:
Say, "I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone." (18:110)
2. Be patient and make loads of Dua:
"And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. …" (18:28)
3. Remember the Day of Judgement, and prepare for it.
"And the record [of deeds] will be placed [open], and you will see the criminals fearful of that within it, and they will say, "Oh, woe to us! What is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated it?" And they will find what they did present [before them]. And your Lord does injustice to no one."(18:49)
How can we gain more reward of reciting Surah Kahaf?
By ensuring that we are reading Surah Kahaf correctly. Taking Quran lessons online can be really helpful in this regard. By taking Quran lessons online, we can get help of a Quran tutor, who is qualified, experienced and trained. Quran lessons online would result in reading Surah Kahaf with correct Tajweed. That would help us to gain rewards instead of reaping sins in case of incorrect tajweed. Quran lessons online, the easy way to improve Tajweed!
2. By ensuring that we totally understand what we are reading. For this, we can take Quran lessons online that would help us learn Arabic, so that we can learn what Quran actually is saying.
3. By ensuring that we are acting upon all the lessons learnt from Surah Kahaf. May Allah SWT Help us to understand His Message, and act upon it. Ameen.
[1]Narrated by Jami at-Tirmidhi , Hadith 488
It is narrated on the authority of Abdullah son of Umar that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
(The superstructure of) al-Islam is raised on five (pillars), testifying (the fact) that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is His bondsman and messenger, and the establishment of prayer, payment of Zakat, Pilgrimage to the House (Ka'ba) and the fast of Ramadan.[1]
Salah, or prayer is the second pillar of Islam. The gift of five prayers was given to the Muslim Ummah, when our beloved Prophet (SAW) went to meet Allah SWT on Mairaaj. Fortunately for us, by establishing five prayers daily, the reward of fifty prayers has been promised to the Muslim Ummah.We all know that it is really important for us to establish prayer as Muslims, but many of us don't realise that according to a hadith, failing to establish prayer might lead to shirk, or kufr. [2]
The importance of Salah becomes evident, as one of the first questions that would be asked on the day of Judgement, would be about our Salah.
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (SAW) said:
“The first thing among their deeds for which the people will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be prayer. Our Lord will say to His angels, although He knows best, ‘Look at My slave’s prayer!Is it complete or lacking?’ If it is complete, it will be recorded as complete, but if it is lacking, He will say, ‘Look and see whether my slave did any voluntary (nawafil) prayers.’ If he had done voluntary prayers,
He will say, ‘Complete the obligatory prayers of My slave from his voluntary prayers.’ Then the rest of his deeds will be examined in a similar manner.” [3]
This hadith also shows that after establishing five obligatory prayers, establishing nawafil is highly recommended. And the best voluntary prayer is Tahajjud; the prayer established at mid night.
Apart from seeking Allah's Pleasure, establishing prayers has many benefits for us as Muslims, as well as human beings. Establishing Salah stops us from immodesty, and other sins. It helps us to manage our time more efficiently. By establishing Salah, our sins are forgiven, and righteousness is inculcated in us.
But many times we feel that even after our attempt to establish prayers, we do not get the benefits we have been told, or at least not too the extent we had hoped for. Why is that so? What should we do to achieve the results that have been mentioned in various hadith?
We need to perfect our Salah; Make it beautiful, to achieve maximum results. Are we offering Salah right on time, or are we delaying it till we just have enough time before Qada? Are we trying to make perfect wudu every time, or are just carelessly making wudu? Are we dressed properly for Salah? Meeting all conditions of Satr (fully covered)?Are we making sure that we meet all other conditions of Salah (clean place, clean clothes etc)? If we are not taking the preparation of Salah seriously, then how do we expect that our Salah would be of a standard that would please Allah SWT?
When we actually start our prayer, we have to make sure to perform each step of prayer properly, giving it its time, and reciting the dua of each step slowly, such that it sinks in you. Qayaam, Ruku, Said, Jalsa, Tashhud, each step demands its proper time and dua.
We can improve the standard of our Salah by improving the quality of our recitation (Qiraat) in Salah. How can we improve the quality of our recitation? We have many options available. We can look for a Quran teacher in our local mosque, or Islamic centre. We can also hire online Quran teacher. Online Quran teacher can really help us improve our pronunciation of Quran. The rules of pronunciation of Quran are called Tajweed, and it is essential to read Quran with correct Tajweed to gain maximum reward.
Online Quran teachers are not only qualified, and well trained to teach Quran, they are also experienced to teach. Teaching involves different strategies for different students, based on their age, background, previous knowledge etc. Online Quran teachers can help us improve our Tajweed skills, which will help us improve our quality of Salah. Online Quran teachers can also help us to memorise different surahs, or chapters of Quran. This would help us greatly when we are not able to join congregation, or Jamaat, and have to offer Salah individually.
We can beautify our Salah by learning perfect Tajweed and memorising a larger part of Quran. Online Quran teacher is a great help to achieve this. By taking Quran lessons online, we can be sure of improving our Quran recitation, Quran memorisation, as well as improving our Salah. It definitely is a win-win situation. May Allah Accept from us our good deeds and good intentions. Ameen.
[1]Narrated by Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 21
[2] Narrated by Sahih Muslim, Al-Emaan, Hadith 82
[3] Narrated by Abu Dawood, Hadith 864
"Arrogance" or "Pride" has been mentioned in Quran several times, having several different shades of meanings. "Arrogance" itself can be roughly defined as "an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or capabilities". Arrogance can be shown by your words, your body language, and even your attitude.
Arrogance has been clearly disliked by Allah SWT, and arrogant people have been warned of severe punishment, in this world as well as hereafter. Some of the different forms of arrogance are as follows:
1. Arrogance in Faith:
Arrogance in faith means denying the divine truth. It means disrespecting the commandments of Allah, choosing not to follow them; Whether completely, or partially. Offering salah not on time or leaving it all together, not paying zakat, or missing fardh fasts without any sharai' excuse, in Ramadan are some examples of arrogance in faith.
Another form of arrogance in faith means that you consider yourself more pious than others; That you believe that only you would be given higher status on the Day of Judgement; that all others are wrong, but only you are right. Your knowledge of the Deen is perfect, but all others, they don't seem to notice the difference between a carrot and a stick.
And when it is said to him, "Fear Allah", he is led by arrogance to crime
So enough for him is Hell, and worst indeed is that place to rest! [1]
2. Arrogance in Attitude:
Arrogance in attitude means considering yourself superior to others; Richness, wisdom, beauty, knowledge, your family, your capabilities; Arrogance in attitude can be on the basis of anything from the list, and much more. It means considering yourself to be the best, wiser than the rest, and thinking of imposing your opinions on others all the time. It means degrading others through your attitude, or body language. It also means that you think you have never sinned, and consider all others as sinners. Another form of arrogance in attitude is that you think that your are better than all others because of your own capabilities, your own strengths; Not because of Allah SWT's Blessings or By Allah's Commands. This form of arrogance is highly dangerous. Qarun, as mentioned in Chapter 28, Al-Qasas in Quran, was guilty of arrogance; in all of its forms. He was punished severely, and dealt with strictly. All of his family, all of his wealth, along him was swallowed in the ground by the order of Allah SWT.
3. Arrogance in Action:
Arrogance in action means walking or talking in a way that makes you feel above all the rest. It means dressing up in a way to show off. It means being boastful in speech, or actions.
"And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not each arrogant boaster." [2]
This article only highlights that we need to eradicate arrogance from our daily lives. But there is so much more to know. How can we know what Allah SWT Likes or Dislikes? What are His commandments? His requirements? What should we do to avoid arrogance? To avoid all that displeases Allah SWT; and to do all that pleases Allah SWT. We can find that out with the most important, authentic, source of divine knowledge; Quran! By reading Quran, we can become fully aware of our responsibilities as Muslims.
Reading Quran opens a huge world of knowledge for us. If because of any reason, you still haven't acquired the ability to learn Quran, or you are a young learner, you are lucky that you can have Quran lessons online. True, many think that the only way to learn reading Quran is by going to a teacher from your local mosque, or Islamic centre. But the fast paced life of today, the pressures of job, or studies, along your family might not make it a simple task. You might actually be very happy with the option to learn Quran lessons online.
The option of Quran lessons online comes with various privileges. You can learn to read Quran from the comfort of your home. You don't need to spend too much time in travelling to and fro from your house to your local mosque. This time you save by cutting down commuting, can easily be invested in doing some useful chores, or your long forgotten hobbies.
By taking Quran lessons online, you can have a new experience in learning; by moving at a speed that you desire! If you feel shy, you can learn reading Quran privately, by taking one-on-one lessons with your private tutors. You can also opt for group classes for economical reasons, or for family class, if you wish to save your family from hellfire, too.
If you do not know Arabic, and would like to know what Allah SWT wishes all of us to know, you can either try to go through some of the authentic translations of Quran. However, it would be a much better choice to start learning Arabic to know what Allah SWT Says. Learning Arabic ensures that you can understand what Allah SWT Says directly; no middle men involved. It would definitely become a great combo if you start taking Quran lessons online, along with Arabic classes.
By taking Quran lessons online, you get a chance to learn from the pros. Qualified, well trained, and experienced teachers make your learning experience a great experience.
[1] Chapter 2 Al-Baqarah, Verse 206
[2] Chapter 31, Luqman, Verse :18